Integrazione Zapier (Base): Connetti, fai uno Zap, disconnetti

With Zapier integration, you can sync TaxDome contacts with your favorite apps, so your data stays updated without entering it twice. Make updates in one place, and all connected apps will be updated automatically.  Here, we will tell you how to connect your TaxDome portal to Zapier.

Zapier, spiegato

Zapier allows two applications that don't have native integration to interact with each other. TaxDome supports Zapier, so the application you want to integrate with TaxDome through Zapier should also support it. To check compatibility, visit the Apps Zapier page and search for the application.

To make the integration work, you need to:

  1. Create Zapier account
  2. Connect it to your TaxDome account
  3. Fai uno Zap

A Zap is a connection between two applications, say between TaxDome and Google Spreadsheets, TaxDome and Google Forms, etc. The main thing is to understand when you create a zap is the two-part logic: you set a trigger (a condition), and when it is met, certain actions are executed. 

TaxDome can be both a trigger (condition) application and an application in which the event is performed (action). 


Suggerimento! Abbiamo già creato modelli Zapier di integrazioni popolari con TaxDome Consulta la pagina di integrazione TaxDome su Zapier.

Connettiti a Zapier

Only a firm owner or admin can connect the account with Zapier. To do so:

1. Vai su Impostazioni > Integrazioni dal menu della barra laterale. 

2. Vai alla scheda Zapier .

3. Fare clic su Connetti .

4. Log in to your Zapier account, then accept the invite to use the TaxDome app on Zapier by clicking Accept invite and build a Zap.

You should make the first Zap to complete the TaxDome integration with Zapier.

Make Zaps

The creation of Zaps differs depending on what should be achieved: 

You can find detailed examples in the respectful articles, but the general scheme for creating a Zap is as follows: 

1. Start creating a Zap from the home page

2. Configure the trigger which will be executed: 

a) Select the application.

b) Select the available trigger event.

c) Connect your account to the application.

d) Configure the needed conditions.

e) Test the first part of the integration.

3. Configure the action which will be performed:

a) Select the application.

b) Select the available action event.

c) Connect your account to the application.

d) Configure the needed conditions.

e) Test the second part of the integration.

4. Publish a Zap and try integration by executing the condition configured as a trigger and see if it produces the desired action. 

Disconnetti da Zapier

If your Zapier account has changed or you don't want to use it anymore, disable the connection with your previous account.


Nota! Una volta disconnesso, tutte le connessioni Zapier esistenti che utilizzano il file TaxDome l'app smetterà di funzionare.

1. Vai su Impostazioni > Integrazioni dal menu della barra laterale.

2. Vai alla scheda Zapier .

3. Fare clic su Revoca .

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